
Privacy Policy

Last updated: April 06, 2022

1. Legal Framework

This Privacy Policy applies to personal information about individuals (customers, service providers, and business partners) held by Baking Essentials (hereinafter referred to as “Baking Essentials” or “we” or “us”), Baking Essentials Corporation, a company incorporated pursuant to the laws of the Philippines, and having its registered office at 9 Tanguile St., Marikina City, and/or its associated companies.

Baking Essentials is aware of the importance of the personal information entrusted to us before or during your course of dealing with Baking Essentials and recognizes that it is our responsibility to properly collect, process, and protect your personal data.

By providing your personal data to us and/or visiting or using any of the pages available on the Baking Essentials Philippines website, bakingessentials.ph (the “Website”), on which this Privacy Policy or a link to this Privacy Policy appears, you are deemed to have read the following policy and agree to us processing your personal data in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy.

So, please review this privacy policy carefully prior to visiting or using any such pages or otherwise providing any personal data. If you do not agree to our privacy policy, Baking Essentials may not be able to effectively provide you with the products or render the services you wish, and you may be required to terminate the relevant operations with us and/or to stop accessing or using our Website.

If you wish to opt-out of this Privacy Policy, amend or remove any of your personal data in our possession, please refer to Article 4 for the required procedure.


Collection Of Personal Data

2.1 What is the Definition of Personal Data

Personal data refers to data about an individual who can be identified from either that particular data, or from that data and other information that Baking Essentials has or is likely to have access to. Names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, identification numbers, nationalities, dates of birth, and credit card information are examples of commonly collected personal data from our customers. Personal data in the Philippines is protected under Republic Act No. 10173 (the Data Privacy Act of 2012 or “DPA”) and its related subsidiary legislation.


2.2 How Will Baking Essentials collect your Personal Data

Baking Essentials will collect your personal data in accordance with the DPA. We will notify you of the purposes for which your personal data may be collected, used, disclosed, and/or processed, as well as obtain your consent for the collection, use, disclosure, and/or processing of your personal data for the intended purposes, unless an exception under the law permits us to collect and process your personal data without your consent.

We collect personal data directly from you and without limitation:

(a) in relation to our products and/or services, when you communicate with our Baking Essentials Customer Service or the Built-In Messenger Chat

(b) when you call our customer service (phone number provided on our website “Contact us”);

(c) When you create an account on our website or through our apps, registering your information to place an order on our website or subscribe to our Baking Essentials Free E-Book;

(d) When you place an order or pay for a Baking Essentials subscription through our website or in one of our stores,

(e) When you conduct certain types of transactions, such as the application for a refund,

(f) when you contact our customer service or make a complaint about our products or services in-store; or

Such personal data will be used by us only for the specific purpose for which it was provided by you.

In addition, certain information that is not considered personal data, as it does not allow us to identify a specific individual, may also be collected to improve our Website and other online services through our analysis of customer traffic, including through the use of cookies (clause 6). Such non-personal data may include information such as your IP address, the internet browser you use, details of your interaction with our website, shopping habits, hobbies, and your preferences.


Use and Processing of Personal Data


3.1 What will your Personal Data Be used for? What are the purpose of Collection?

Your personal data, which we collect with your consent, may be used, processed and/or disclosed for various purposes, depending on the circumstances for which we may need to process your data, including:

(a) To communicate with you, with the understanding that Baking Essentials may monitor and store information about the phone number(s) you use to make the calls. This information is used to better address your customer service needs.

(b) to manage your purchase order and payment online, as well as subsequent home delivery or self-collection and product return;

(c) To respond to your questions, feedback, product reviews, enquiries, or complaints about our products and/or services, and to resolve any issues that may arise in connection with any dealings with us;

(d) To facilitate your participation in, and our administration of, any special event, customer contest, competition, or lucky draw for which you register or subscribe;

(e) To contact you about current or new Baking Essentials products and/or services (unless you unsubscribe from receiving Baking Essentials marketing material);

(f) To notify you of new Baking Essentials features, special offers, and sales promotions (unless you unsubscribe from receiving Baking Essentials marketing material);

(g) To notify you via electronic mail (email or SMS) about changes to our Website’s functionality;

(h) Conduct market research or surveys, marketing analysis, customer profiling activities, choice analysis, statistical and trend analysis in relation to our products and/or services; and

(k) By using cookies, we can improve your experience on the Website. For further information on the use of cookies, please refer to Clause 6.

Baking Essentials will be entitled to use or disclose your personal data without your prior consent in certain situations, including, without limitation, the following:

-The personal data is publicly available;

-The disclosure is necessary for any purpose which is clearly in your interests, if consent for its disclosure cannot be obtained in a timely way or to respond to an emergency that threatens the life, health, or safety of yourself or another individual;

-The disclosure is necessary for any investigation or proceedings, such as to prevent and detect criminal activity, fraud, and misuse of or damage to our services or networks and to prosecute those responsible, as well as to protect and defend our intellectual property rights;

The disclosure is necessary to comply with a court order or other legal or regulatory requirements in the jurisdictions where we operate; and

-The disclosure is required or authorized by the DPA or by any other applicable laws and/or regulations.


3.2 Who will process your Personal Data?

Baking Essentials will process your personal data itself and will keep it confidential. As a general rule, insofar as you have provided your consent or when we are otherwise legally entitled to do so, Baking Essentials will share your personal data with our affiliates within the Baking Essentials Group.

Baking Essentials will not share or disclose your personal data to any individuals or third party operators, except to service providers engaged by Baking Essentials to perform specific services on behalf of Baking Essentials and for the purposes mentioned in clause 3.1 above, including the following:

– Delivery of products that you have ordered through our website or postal service;

– Hosting your personal information in data centers through storage facility providers;

– Statistical and analytical studies through web analytics tool providers, such as Google,

– Improving advertising campaigns or promotions, marketing and business efficiencies, and prospective sales;

– Monitoring the quality of our service or website, corporate reporting, etc.

– Information about the products and services of business partners, but only if you have given us your prior consent to do so.

In such situations, the service providers are authorized to use your personal information only to perform the specific services entrusted by Baking Essentials. As part of our agreement with them, they are required to take all reasonable measures to ensure and maintain a high level of security for your personal data, adhering to similar or comparable data protection standards as the personal data protection legal framework in the Philippines.



4.1 How will your Personal Data be protected?

Baking Essentials takes every precaution and uses reasonable measures to protect your personal data. Baking Essentials has the necessary technical and organizational measures in place to keep your personal data secure and, in particular, to prevent it from being disclosed to unauthorized third parties. For this purpose, Baking Essentials takes all measures necessary to secure its computer systems.


Where personal information is entered on our website, it is protected through the use of encryption, such as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. We strive to protect your personal data and are constantly reviewing and enhancing our security protocols to ensure that your personal data is not subject to unnecessary risks. Nonetheless, note that no data transmission over the internet or any wireless network can be guaranteed to be completely free from intrusion by others. As a result, while we employ reasonable and appropriate security measures to protect data, we cannot guarantee the security of information transmitted to and from the Website and are not responsible for the actions of third parties that receive any such information.


4.2 Will your Personal Data be Transferred outside of Philippines?

Primarily, because we may outsource some of our data processing, your personal data may be transferred outside of the Philippines for the purposes mentioned in Clause 3. As a result, Baking Essentials takes every measure to ensure that this transfer takes place within the relevant legal framework, namely that the third party who is the recipient of the information is subject to a law, binding corporate rules, or binding agreement that provides an adequate level of protection as required by the DPA. You hereby expressly consent to the transfer of your personal information outside of the Philippines.


Your rights to access and/or correction of Personal Data

5.1 What are your legal rights?

Baking Essentials undertakes to:

(a) Keep your personal information strictly confidential;

(b) Implement appropriate safeguards to protect your personal data from unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction, or damage, alteration, disclosure, or access.

(c) give you access to your personal data so that you can view and/or update your personal information as needed;

(d) notify you as soon as possible if we become aware of any unauthorized use, disclosure, or processing of your personal data; and

Upon your written request, we will promptly return or destroy any and all of your personal data in our possession or control.

You may also seek redress from the local data protection authority and seek other legal remedies under the law.

The time periods for which we keep your information may vary according to the use or purpose attached to the information. Baking Essentials will, however, not retain your personal data longer than the period for which it was originally required, unless we are required by law to do so, or you consent to us retaining such information for a longer period.


5.2. How do you gain access to and/or correct your personal data—or opt out?

You have the right to access, update, or remove the personal data collected and stored by Baking Essentials or to limit its processing and use. You may also request that any errors or omissions in your personal data be corrected.

If you wish to do so, Baking Essentials offers you different ways:

(a) You can reach our Data Protection Officer via the following methods:

-Writing to the following address and sending proof of their identity:


Baking Essentials Corporation.

9 Tanguile St., Marikina City

or by sending an e-mail to inquiry@bakingessentials.ph.

(b) You may also decline to receive e-mails by clicking on “unsubscribe” in any marketing e-mail you receive.



If you use an email or a letter to submit your request, kindly mention in the subject header that it is a DPA request in order to allow us to relay your request in an efficient manner to our Data Protection officer.


Use of Cookies

6.1 What are cookies?

The Website integrates the use of cookies. A “cookie” is a small file installed on your computer that stores information about your browsing habits on our website (which shall include, but not be limited to, language settings, connection time, pages visited, and so forth). Cookies and other technologies collect non-personal data about your online activities while you are using our website. The use of cookies, however, does not enable Baking Essentials to identify you.

Analytics firms are able to consult these cookies the next time you visit, to recognise repeat users, facilitate the user’s ongoing access to, and use of, the Website, and track usage behaviour so as to make your browsing smoother.

By using our services, you consent to the use of cookies and the collection of information by Baking Essentials and third parties through these cookies, as provided for in this clause 6.

For the sake of transparency, the following paragraphs are intended to give you a complete overview of the cookies used by Baking Essentials and offer you a solution to allow you to make the right choice. Please note that sharing the use of your computer with others may change the personalised nature of the way cookies operate.


6.2. What Cookies Are Used by the Website?

The Website integrates the use of the following cookies:

-cookies to record the language preferences of the user or other preferences necessary to provide the service requested

The Website may also use cookies to inform us of the products and pages you may consult or search for. These cookies enable us to offer you personalised content and, in particular, display advertising when you visit our website that relates to your interests. These cookies may be set as you wish, as described more fully below.


6.3 Does the website allow third parties to use cookies when I am browsing the website?

Google Analytics, a web site analysis service provided by Google Inc., is used on the Website. Google Analytics uses cookies. The data generated by the cookies concerning your use of the website (including your IP address) is sent to and stored by Google on servers located in the United States. Google will use this information in order to evaluate your use of the Website, to compile reports on the Website’s activity intended for its publisher, and to provide other services relating to the Website’s activity and your use of the Internet. Google may communicate this data to third parties if legally obligated to do so, or when third parties process such data on behalf of Google, including the publisher of this website. Google will not match your IP address to any other data held by Google.

and Facebook to measure the effectiveness of your advertising by understanding the actions people take on our website.

You can deactivate the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser (see below). However, doing so may prevent the use of certain of this website’s functions. By using this website, you expressly consent to the processing of your personal data by Google under the conditions and for the purposes described above.


6.4. How can you exercise your options concerning cookies?

There are several ways for you to manage and/or disable cookies. You may at any time change your mind regarding the use of cookies by going to the Help section on your browser’s toolbar. It will tell you how to reject cookies, or how to display a message informing you that they have been received, or how to deactivate cookies. Cookies can be deleted manually as well.

You may also choose to deactivate or delete similar cookies used by your browser’s accessory software, such as Flash cookies, by changing the parameters of the software in question, or by visiting the website of the software’s publisher.

Please note, however, that the use of cookies may be necessary to allow certain features of the website to function properly. As such, if you disable cookies on your browser, you may not be able to use those features, and your access to our website will be limited and not personalised. As a result, Baking Essentials accepts no liability for any consequences that may occur as a result of our website’s limited functionality, flowing from the inability to use the cookies necessary for the website to function properly.

Your choice depends on your browser:

Each browser features a configuration process so you can manage the use of cookies. It is described in your browser’s Help menu, which will inform you as to how you may wish to exercise your options concerning the use of cookies. Some examples

To use with Internet Explorer: Open the Tools menu, then select Internet Options; click on the Confidentiality tab, then on the Advanced tab, and choose the desired level, or follow this link: http://windows.microsoft.com/fr-FR/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies

For Chrome, go to the Settings menu (spanner logo), then Options; click on Advanced Options, then in the Privacy section, click on Content Settings and select the desired options, or go to https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en&hlrm=en.



We reserve the right to amend this privacy policy at any time. If material changes are made to this privacy policy, they will be posted on this page and date stamped. We encourage you to review this page periodically in order to stay informed of any changes.


To the extent such consent is not otherwise provided, your continued use of this Website and acceptance of our services following any changes to this Privacy Policy constitutes your consent to any such changes.